Pear Manhattans: fall cocktail recipe
I’m adding this to the list of creative (and delicious) things to do with preserver’s trash. Fall party season is upon us, and as you might recall, Entertaining with Ease is high on my list of to-hone skills. Yes, I still owe you a pear and apple syrups from scraps post, and I’m almost finished researching the waterbath canning safety aspect.
Make the pear juice base for this cocktail by covering peels and cores with just enough water to reach the top of the scraps. Bring to a boil, cover and then simmer for 15 minutes. Strain once and place in the fridge overnight. Large amounts of scraps will require some straining technology improvisation.
Strain again as you use the juice (or leave the tiny fruit flecks and bits in if you don’t care).
Pear Manhattans
serves 8-12, depending on cup size
1. Combine:
6 cups pear juice
~1/2 cup whiskey (or more or less to your spiked desire), I used Maker’s Mark
1 lemon, juiced and strained
pinch fresh shaved nutmeg (optional)
2. Shake, pour over ice, garnish if you’re feeling fancy and enjoy!
So it’s not the Manhattan you probably know and love, but it’s sooorta like it. You fancy mixologists out there will hopefully not be up in arms over my borrowing the concept sans maraschino cherry.
Whatever you call it, this concoction travels well and is a great make-ahead cocktail to put in a pitcher for guests to serve themselves. You can, of course, make these individually by adding an ounce of whiskey to a half cup juice and a teaspoon of lemon juice, shake and serve accordingly.